Energy Click

We lose so much energy while walking every day. A person’s heel strikes produces about 30 watts of power if they are walking at a rate of 5km/hour. This is a ton of energy! If we could harness all of this, then a family of 4 people walking 3 hours a day could power television for 75 min.

What if no one had to be dependent on infrastructure anymore? If everyone could harness the energy of their every step and share it with others the whole world would turn into this network of human batteries - independent and autonomous.

Energy Click was developed in David Edward's Harvard ES20 course. Our team received a travel fellowship and spent a summer prototyping and testing within the electric engineering department of the university of Cape Town under the guidance of Professor Samuel Ginsberg.

Team Members: Juliana Cherston, Anna Ondaatje + Nkatha Gitonga