dream factory

We are inescapably at the mercy of what our senses tell us about the world and what our brains manage to make of that information.

You can’t forcefully create a daydream; one can only create the conditions for a dream to emerge. Dream space is characterized by the spatial dimensions of life experience. In the Dream Factory, spaces will create perceptual disorientation through the repetition of a space in divergent scales and spatial inversions. The disorientation of the user will cause them to attempt to regain their bearings by either completing or understanding the space with their minds. The spaces will therefore be different for each individual user based on their perceptual experience.

The dream factory will encompass a series of dream spaces that guide the user towards their ultimate goal – the investigation of the unconscious. As the user moves deeper into the building they slowly become more and more detached from their environment. This sequence of spaces mirrors the progression from dream content closer to the surface, determined by one’s environment towards seemingly inaccessible dream thought deep within the unconscious.

Professor: Christoph Kumpusch