reactionary movement

Based on the movement implied by the graphic representation of each fabric structure, we created a combined field by allowing the contrasting garments to affect each other. This reactionary movement is developed with a disregard for gravity. The interstitial space between structures was developed programmatically as circulation space. We occupied the field with the fused program of airport and dance hall. This programmatic hybrid begins to engage the public (non passengers) within the airport space. The juxtaposition of public and private - of passenger and dancer - is materialized in the literal occupation of the structural pleats and folds. The structure of garments speaks to the movement of people through space. We analyzed three disparate fabric structures: rigid pleats, semirigid wire and a more fluid puff-like framework. The development of the extreme versions of each garment structure led to the fabrication of fields whose interstitial spaces express varying transformations in rigidity. The fields begin to vary sectionally based on weight that we attributed to portions of structure based on density.

Professor: Carla Leitao
Partner: Ariadne Buffery